Massage Therapy Improves Musculoskeletal Health
Quality you deserve.
Let’s work together to uncover why your muscles and joints are tight, achy and painful. I aim to treat the cause as well as provide immediate relief from your symptoms.
Look forward to feeling great after your session and progressively better over time.
Massage therapy is the physical manipulation of muscles, tendons and ligaments designed to relax areas that are tight, adhered or knotted. It works best as a discipline that is applied on a periodic, maintenance basis to reduce pain, increase range of motion and improve general movement dynamics.
For individuals experiencing musculoskeletal symptoms including headache, muscle and joint pain, back pain or neck pain, regular massage therapy can be instrumental in reducing the risk of the issue becoming chronic or resulting in further damage and increased symptoms. For those for which the issue is already chronic, it can substantially reduce the severity of symptoms.
Who Could Benefit from Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is increasingly offered as a supplemental treatment for a host of medical conditions and circumstances, both dealing with physical maladies as well as mental health challenges.
So many of us today have both physical and mental health issues that result from the society in which we live as well as the way that we work.
Since our environment is not likely to change, massage therapy can offer a way to roll back and contain the harmful impacts that these things have on our bodies.
Massage therapy is helpful for mental health in situations involving stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and tension headaches.
Massage therapy can be an important tool in a course of treatment for a range of physical maladies that require increased circulation, decreased joint inflammation, increased flexibility or decreased muscle tightness or better quality of sleep through reduced muscle and joint pain.
Massage Therapy Professional Credentials
Common Physical Issues That Massage Therapy Serves
Consistent periodic massage therapy has a number of holistic health benefits including reduced stress, increased relaxation, better sleep and reduced muscle and joint pain.
There are a few named conditions that commonly benefit from ongoing massage therapy, including commonly named disorders like postural syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome ( MPS ), trigger points and pinched nerves.
Postural Syndrome is a general term describing musculoskeletal issues related to poor posture while sitting/standing for long periods of time.
A pinched nerve occurs when muscles, tendons, ligaments or cartilage exert too much pressure on the nerve, resulting in pain and numbness.
A trigger point is a hyperactive node on a muscle that is binding up and creating an aggravated relationship to nearby structures. They can cause all kinds of problems, from pain to lack of range of motion.
Common Massage Therapy Techniques You May Hear About
Techniques commonly associated with massage therapy as a discipline include deep tissue massage, trigger point release, myofascial release and full body stretching.
Deep Tissue Massage is a technique designed to access and release knots and tension in deeper layers of muscle within the body, beneath superficial muscles.
Trigger Point Release is a methodical technique for locating/eliminating tight nodes so that the affected muscle and nearby structures can heal and experience less inflammation and the pain that comes it.
Myofacial Release is a methodical technique for locating and relaxing stiff or tightened areas in the fascia, the tissue that surrounds and supports the muscles. The release results in less binding on adjacent tissues, reduced inflammation and reduction in pain.
Full Body Stretching is the organization of stretching exercises designed to improve overall flexibility and musculoskeletal health.
Massage Therapy Reviews for Scott Schwartz
“For weeks I was in extreme pain in my calf. As Scott worked to loosen the muscles in the area and said he suspected the problem might be an entrapped nerve. It was amazing - I had come in crutches and walked out carrying them.”
— Sylvia L
“Scott is one of the best on the west coast. I've been seeing him for a year and he's the only one I have come across that can correctly deal with my chronic spine pain. I have happily recommended him to my orthopedic doctors.”
— Ron S