Scott Schwartz Massage Therapy
Quality you deserve.
Offering world-class massage therapy, bodywork and sports massage so you can achieve your physical goals related to overall wellness, injury recovery, or increased athletic performance, from older folks to weekend warriors to elite athletes.
Who Needs Bodywork, Massage Therapy or Sports Massage?
If you have had the unfortunate experience of being in a motor vehicle accident ( MVA ) or had some other kind of significant injury or accident, bodywork can help you regain prior function and move toward less pain in your life.
If you are little older and could benefit from better mobility, balance, breathing or sleeping, massage therapy can get you in shape to have more fun with your grandkids.
If you are a weekend warrior and overdid it a little, massage therapy can unkink your back, or shoulder or hip and get you back on the field or into the garden.
If you are an elite, professional or Olympic athlete, sports massage can aid workout recovery and keep you working toward attaining maximum performance.
Practice Disciplines
Scott Schwartz Massage Therapy Philosophy
I think about the human body differently than most. The central nervous system always comes first. It is essential to my treatment philosophy to determine if muscle tightness or pain with movement is due to adhered, bunched, knotty tissue or if the brain just can’t let go
I will guide you towards a greater understanding of how your body works - both its possibilities and its limitations. Together we will explore the causes of your pain, lack of range of motion, movement compensations or loss of functionality.
My goal is to help you gain the ability to do all your activities longer and with less pain. You will learn about exercises, stretches and habits that will support your physical health and well-being. And you will gain knowledge of your body that will help you make the best decisions going forward.
Proactive Massage Therapy for a Better Life
Most people turn to massage therapy for tight, achy, painful muscles or joints with the expectation that the therapist is going to physically manipulate the offending body part to encourage greater relaxation, release and better freedom of movement.
While this is a reasonable expectation, and one that I certainly can meet, I also think of it as only a half measure. Instead of just treating symptoms, I also aim to uncover and treat the cause. This may seem like a subtle difference, but it has a simple and powerful impact on your quality of life.
I prefer to approach massage therapy in a proactive, preventative manner. If we can work together to identify why your muscles become tight, achy and painful or your joints get stiff, we can proactively work with your body to halt and then reverse these negative symptoms.
You will still feel the short term benefit from a massage therapy treatment. The difference is that because the causes of your issues are being attended to and not just symptoms, you will progressively feel better before you arrive for your next session and we will maintain that progress instead of rescuing you from an unhappy state of being with a day or two of relief sprinkled in.
Scott Schwartz is a Bodyworker
Bodywork is an advanced discipline of massage therapy that builds on the local conditioning of muscles, tendons and fascia accomplished in massage therapy and adds to it a deep understanding of how the body’s parts and systems can interact to cause the issues that plague so many of us today.
Oftentimes, common issues like headaches, back pain or chronic joint pain have a structural root cause that is not so obvious. Understanding how these issues are caused by other parts of the body connected in some way to the issue is bodywork. Treating the root cause of these issues is also bodywork.
Bodywork is particularly useful if you have had a traumatic event like a fall, a major accident or major surgery that has created a fundamental shift in the way that you move.
Ultimately, the goal of bodywork is to remedy situations where the body, or how we use the body, is working against us and causing the discomforts, loss of function and disabilities so common in the modern world.
Sports Massage Improves Athletic Performance
Sports Massage is the art of assessing and then treating athletes to reduce training fatigue and pain, speed up training recovery, prevent injury, increase range of motion and uncover movement dysfunctions. Looking at the athlete's movement requirements for their particular sport or physical activity is a core principle of my practice.
I’ve helped athletes of all levels, from beginning runners who just need to get over the hump of pushing their bodies to an increased level of performance, to hopeful and active Olympians seeking to compete at an elite level.
I have the tools and experience to help you achieve all your athletic and activity specific goals.
Patient Reviews for Scott Schwartz
“Scott helped relieved severe pain from chronic planter fasciitis last year after just a few sessions. I went from limping for a couple of days after playing pickleball to being able to play in a tournament without pain.”
— Bryan K
“I had been struggling with several injuries (hip, hamstring, shoulder) that were holding my back from running. I found Scott through a wonderful friend and after a few sessions have been able to run almost pain free.”
— Sherron S